Tuesday, June 30, 2009


Bye Santa Barbara!

On moving day (ok, weekend) we had a chance to meet up with
Kai, Ayaka and Nate for lunch at our favorite restaurant - Whale's Tail.
It was nice to let the boys run around with each other one last time in the

Cute family!

Nerd patrol.

Tigo has been really interested in PB&J for breakfast lately.
It did not make for good news as far as cleaning the floor went.

I hate dirty floors!!

1 comment:

The Lynds said...

We soooooooooooooo gonna miss you guys..

Tigo would never make face like that.. he will always be my prince charming, ok?

OMG You can totally see my bellybutton is sticking out! Oh boy.. better clean is when I can.