Sunday, August 10, 2008

The first haircut

Tigo has become a cleaning whirlwind

Spent Sunday morning getting a haircut (no pictures,
we were nervous enough) and perusing ElleDecor with Papa.
Maybe soon he can redecorate our mess.

In the afternoon, we watered plants at Dave's

Tigo excelled at stair watering

And Papa was a total rocketship

Saturday, Grandmama came over for dancing and playing catch


The Lynds said...

Yeah~! Cleaning boy!! We love those!! hehe I love the picture of Tigo watering steps with teddy in his hand. cute.

Unknown said...

Wow! Did Tigo have enough hair to cut?!? He used to be such a baldy! Ben is still rockin' his baby mullet. people think he is a girl all the time now.