Thursday, December 4, 2008

so many toys!

Grandmama had an exciting new toy for Tigo -
a stained glass airplane kaleidescope. He was
quite crazy for it.

Tigs got a new car carrier a couple weeks ago
he is pretty much totally obsessed with it.

Then to the park to visit with Kai.
What do little boys do at the park?

more cars!

Nice sharing, guys!

Time for chores:
Tigo helping Papa with the dishes - what a nice boy!

Saturday, November 29, 2008

Hello duck!

Tigo loves ducks but loves watching himself sing
songs on the camera even more.

It rained! Lame!

Nice lunch on the porch with Papa and Nani

Looking for bugs with Nani.

more songs!

Papa takes better videos:

Three guesses who stacked two cars on top of each other!

Mmm, din-din, surprise surprise, it was blueberries!
Tigo was teething so it was an all-frozen dinner
heavy on frozen broccoli (blurg).

We all crowded into the bathroom for bathtime
who wouldn't want to see this little spazz in the

Friday, November 28, 2008

New Camera!

Early Xmas present, a new camera! Tigo totally loves it because he can sing a song and then watch himself a second later. We spent a while doing just that on Thanksgiving while waiting for the turkey to bake.

Oops, too quick!


OK, so I took 800 of these to keep Tigo amused.

Wednesday, October 8, 2008

bedtime antics

What is so funny Tigo?

Ok, that is moderately hilarious.

Much funnier!


Papa is so funny that we almost cried.

The scavenger

Here's what I found in Tigo's car:

He is such a little scavenger!

Yesterday we went to the park. He was pretty sad
Kai wasn't there, but he played with a nice little girl
and sang a song about her when he was going to bed.

Overheated and banished to the shade with his cars

Monday, September 29, 2008

at the park with the stoners

Last week Kai and Tigo found out where all the stoners hang out.
Of course, the boys wanted to set up base right across from them.

This is Tigo's new facial expression it is alternately for sniffing flowers
or trying to blow bubbles. I'm not sure what he is trying to sniff here.

Here is Kai being shooed away from our local youth's hangout.

Kai was in a particularly sparkly mood and
getting ready for an overseas trip. We'll miss you!

Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Number one

Tigo has finally figured out what to do with magic
marker caps. About 15 seconds later he was saying
"help please" because getting them off is trickier.

We went to the beach with Kai and Ayaka. The boys
got very very wet. Mostly Tigo.

Did I bring a change of clothes? No, luckily there
were some PJs in the car.

Lets wind down with some snacks.

Thursday, August 28, 2008

The park with Kai and Ayaka is always good times, we tried the
big boy park this week and Tigo wore a too-big shirt to celebrate.

Will the shark bite?

I am developing a series of "mine" photos

I have no idea what they are looking for.

Hot whale!

The maestro - not Tigo - me! with my great camera work. Yeash, I am totally getting me - I mean Alex - a better camera for his birthday. Also, a videographer.

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Monday, August 25, 2008


Tigo sings this funny new song.
Today he asked me to sing it, but I don't know the words.

Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Ducks and dirt

A jubbly trip to the pond today with Kai and Ayaka - fun!

We saw hungry ducks and fed them rice crackers

Played in the dirt

Palled around with Kai

And ran to look at butterflies and turtles

Turtles are not boring.

Friday, August 15, 2008


Tigo is a world class stroller pusher.

Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Bunches of junks

Some randomness from the Tigosphere:

On the way to school (Papa is banned from camera use)

Postmodern architecture

Camera = "Mine!"

Art-pic by Tigo

M. Sophistocate

Sunday, August 10, 2008

The first haircut

Tigo has become a cleaning whirlwind

Spent Sunday morning getting a haircut (no pictures,
we were nervous enough) and perusing ElleDecor with Papa.
Maybe soon he can redecorate our mess.

In the afternoon, we watered plants at Dave's

Tigo excelled at stair watering

And Papa was a total rocketship

Saturday, Grandmama came over for dancing and playing catch