Sunday, August 2, 2009

Getting the hang of it

Riding around preschool saying "brrm, brrm!"

Tigo showed off his new red shoes at the Childrens Museum
Let me assure you that he picks out the shoes after I pick
out the outfit. We will work on matching at a future point.

Buying groceries - Tigo is so happy to be able to
pull everything off the shelves.

Biking around town

Sleepy bears work way too hard.

Tuesday, June 30, 2009


Bye Santa Barbara!

On moving day (ok, weekend) we had a chance to meet up with
Kai, Ayaka and Nate for lunch at our favorite restaurant - Whale's Tail.
It was nice to let the boys run around with each other one last time in the

Cute family!

Nerd patrol.

Tigo has been really interested in PB&J for breakfast lately.
It did not make for good news as far as cleaning the floor went.

I hate dirty floors!!

Monday, May 18, 2009

Tigo in the garden

Evacuated to LA last weekend - Tigo made a new friend:

Then Grandmama decided to get some blackmail

"Hmm, I feel like I forgot something. . . "

"Oh yeah - pants!"

"Beh, who needs em."

Saturday, May 2, 2009

How to tame a wild parrot

Find some freaky statues

Make nice with them

Don't be distracted by crazy old ladies

Hypnotize parrot

Voila! Your very own wild parrot

Watch out for the old lady!

Saturday, April 25, 2009

Whiling away the weekends

Starting off the weekend right - Alex and Tigo go over the latest
news from George and Martha.

Tigo can now eat an entire popsicle by himself.
He keeps going to the freezer and asking for popsicles.
My son a pig? Who would have thought that would be
even possible.

Tigo loves his mama!
For about three seconds, then he is screaming to
be let down so he can go back to playing with the

Thursday, December 4, 2008

so many toys!

Grandmama had an exciting new toy for Tigo -
a stained glass airplane kaleidescope. He was
quite crazy for it.

Tigs got a new car carrier a couple weeks ago
he is pretty much totally obsessed with it.

Then to the park to visit with Kai.
What do little boys do at the park?

more cars!

Nice sharing, guys!

Time for chores:
Tigo helping Papa with the dishes - what a nice boy!

Saturday, November 29, 2008

Hello duck!

Tigo loves ducks but loves watching himself sing
songs on the camera even more.

It rained! Lame!

Nice lunch on the porch with Papa and Nani

Looking for bugs with Nani.