Saturday, November 29, 2008

Hello duck!

Tigo loves ducks but loves watching himself sing
songs on the camera even more.

It rained! Lame!

Nice lunch on the porch with Papa and Nani

Looking for bugs with Nani.

more songs!

Papa takes better videos:

Three guesses who stacked two cars on top of each other!

Mmm, din-din, surprise surprise, it was blueberries!
Tigo was teething so it was an all-frozen dinner
heavy on frozen broccoli (blurg).

We all crowded into the bathroom for bathtime
who wouldn't want to see this little spazz in the

Friday, November 28, 2008

New Camera!

Early Xmas present, a new camera! Tigo totally loves it because he can sing a song and then watch himself a second later. We spent a while doing just that on Thanksgiving while waiting for the turkey to bake.

Oops, too quick!


OK, so I took 800 of these to keep Tigo amused.