Monday, September 29, 2008

at the park with the stoners

Last week Kai and Tigo found out where all the stoners hang out.
Of course, the boys wanted to set up base right across from them.

This is Tigo's new facial expression it is alternately for sniffing flowers
or trying to blow bubbles. I'm not sure what he is trying to sniff here.

Here is Kai being shooed away from our local youth's hangout.

Kai was in a particularly sparkly mood and
getting ready for an overseas trip. We'll miss you!

Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Number one

Tigo has finally figured out what to do with magic
marker caps. About 15 seconds later he was saying
"help please" because getting them off is trickier.

We went to the beach with Kai and Ayaka. The boys
got very very wet. Mostly Tigo.

Did I bring a change of clothes? No, luckily there
were some PJs in the car.

Lets wind down with some snacks.